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Annual Report for 2014

This year TEA activity was limited to the Annual Fete and associated activities.


As an experiment, the tentage was erected a week earlier than normal in order to be available for a Quiz Night on the Saturday before the fete. That event proved to be very popular and made a significant contribution to the overall Fete finances.


As in previous years the bar was open on the Friday evening preceding Fete day for an informal get-together for the Village. This was not as well attended this year, perhaps because of the good attendance at the Quiz Night the Saturday before.


The Fete itself went well. Many favourable comments were received on the style of the event, which was very much the traditional English village fete. Although relatively well attended, it was not as widely advertised as in previous years and numbers appeared to be less than in 2013. It was noticeable that some regular attenders from outside the village were absent this year, but that may not have been a bad thing.


The Village Party on the Saturday evening was again well-attended. The curry buffet provided by Corrine’s Kitchen once again proved very popular as did the band.


Overall, the various events of the ‘Fete season’ produced enough profit to be able to make a donation of £2000 to the church with a small balance left for other purposes (see the Financial Statement for details). Although less than in previous years, it should be remembered that the aim is to provide enjoyable social events for the village community: raising funds is a secondary objective.


Thanks are due to everybody who assisted with the organisation and delivery of the fete and quiz night. In particular to Adam Jastrzebski, who arranged all the licencing and insurance, Ela Jastrzebska who looked after the finances, Kevin Knight who did a sterling job in organising the bar, Glynn Howland who organised the erection and striking of the tentage, Clive Gill and Sean Lewis who installed the electrics, Jane Buck and Charlotte Shattuck who run five star tea room, the Betts family who organised delicious BBQ, and many others who run the stalls, raffles, games, and helped with transport, setting-up and clearing.  However, success is not due to the work of a few alone but to the efforts of the community as a whole; to everybody who participated no matter how big or small their role. Thanks to you all.

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